Cigar Monster is a daily deal site that focuses solely on cigars. The site always offers new deals and also has a feature called the "CigarMonster Mash-Up" which runs from 11AM to 12PM and 11PM to 12AM. For those not familiar with the feature, it's really quite a frenzy and something you need to actually see to really understand, but in short, it's when the site runs a bunch of deals on cigars. Again, you really need to see to believe it.
Cigar Monster is owned and operated by Famous Smoke Shop which is amongst the largest cigar mail order businesses in the US and has been in business since 1939. currently ranks #152 amongst sites offering online deals -- ShopNBC ranks #151. In the Cigars category, Cigar Monster ranks at #3 -- Corona Cigar ranks #2. Amongst all deal a day sites, Cigar Monster ranks #32 -- MacZot ranks #31.
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Offers daily deals on cigars.
Offers daily deals on cigars. is brought to you by...
Offers deals on cigars.